Thursday, December 2, 2010


i used to say i could not
comprehend the meaning of
"never", that i could not
imagine saying i would
"never" see someone again, or
speak to someone again, or
do any given thing
ever again, that its meaning
was indefinite, unknowable, because
just as nothing is forever
nothing is ever.. never, even
"though it is used just as often
just as often as it is used
it is never true," so i thought
to myself i thought these words were
true, nothing could be so
until, that is, until
tonight, in a moment of purity
clarity, i thought, there is a never
there are many a
Never will i sing with Dad again
Never will he hug me
Never will i talk with him about
the events of life, that were always so
clear to him, explicable to him
Never will i walk with him around
the neighborhood we called home
Never will i hear him laugh
Never will he save me from mistakes...
So you see, never exists..
Just as we will Never see the end of Forever,
it is also true:
Never will my life be as simple as i Never knew it was.

- Jessica Mary

1 comment:

  1. Never...but forever will he live in us...
