Thursday, July 29, 2010

Without You

As a tree beneath a sky overcast
clouds shielding the bearer of life
I wish I could see your face
smile wide, cry deep,
stare blankly through me;
death would come easy if it were to
come at the end of a life without you;
though I may stand, feet still
the ground you see is nowhere
becoming somewhere only if
it cradles your feet, too;
the air I breathe is empty
it does not sustain my body
unless it comes from your lungs;
the cleansing drops of rain I feel
are the remnants of tears I once cried
no more, so long;
they collect in the barrels of my mind
in hopes that my heart will open
enough to let them out, free them;
Tasteless without the bitter sweetness
of all that you are to me
anything that is to nourish, does not
without the flavor of your skin;
I am faceless if your eyes do not gaze upon me
I am faithless if you have no faith in me
I am empty if you will not love all that is within me
so come, my beloved
so that I may bask in your sun
standing with you, toe to toe
on this ground that does not exist
without you on it
beneath the sky, cloudless in your loveliness
between the paths of those that pass in doubt
before one another, your lips against my forehead
your hands in mine
make me real.

- Jessica Mary

1 comment:

  1. I can't say I've ever experienced a love like this, but it's what I imagine and believe the true form of it to be.
